The Pose
Rishikesh (India)
Maharaj Nisargadatta:How do all people in the world,successful or otherwise,operate?
When you look into it,you will find that everyone has assumed a "sample",a certain image of himself.I am so and so-an image or a pose.
And it is from that pose that he is acting.
That pose has been taken by his concept about himself.
And only someone who understands this-the source of his actions-becomes free of it.
He sees the false as the false.
Visitor: I have often felt that everybody in this world is trying to present some sort of face,and all our activities are in aid of maintaining that sense of the self we have ,to protect us from having to look beyond it. We were making some funny remarks about psychiatrists yesterday. Until they begin to understand that so many people's neurotic behaviors occur when this face they are trying to present is being threatened or challenged in some way,i dont think they will ever know what they are doing.
N:Psychiatrists will have first to understand what mind is,not how mind works,but what mind itself is.Then there may be some change.
-the ultimate medicine-
Years ago blogger had experienced a serious depression when ,for several reasons, was not able any more to sustain the image she had of herself and wanted others also have of her.